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????Target: Orion Constellation 1. M78 - Casper the Friendly Ghost Nebula 2. IC434 & NGC2024 - Horse Head Nebula & Flame Nebula 3. M42 & NGC 1977 - Orion Nebula & Running Man Nebula 4. NGC 1909 - Witch Head Nebula ——————————— ????Gear: Imaging camera: Nikon D5500 Guide Camera: QHY 5L-II Mono Mount: Ioptron CEM25P Imaging telescopes or lenses: Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G QHY PoleMaster ——————————— ⚙Settings: Focal Length: 35mm Aperture: f/4.0 ISO: 800 27 x 240sec exposure —————————— ????Location: Gorno Kamarci, Bulgaria ——————————— ????Data: 13.02.2020 ——————————— ???? Processing Frames: Light: 26x240" ISO 800 Dark: 7 Processed in Photoshop, DeepSkyStacker, APT - Astro Photography Tool, PHD2, PI
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