Автор: ipolit
Дата: 26-12-11 17:04
Камерите на К серията но Sony-Ericsson винаги са правели добри снимки, но от фотографска гледна точка винаги съм имал някои забележки. Например, на ярко слънце не може да му се включи force flash. Купонджийските снимки също стават добри, но прави глупости с ISO настройките понякога. Поради тази причина съм сложил на телефона Withan™ Camera Driver V3
··· FEATURES ···
- The more flexible driver. Without being supermode driver, it has 10 extra modes to suit all light conditions.
- BugFree
- Awesome clear Twilight landscape mode
- Flash photos with freaking smooth noise
- Quick Auto focus
- It's possible to do macro pics in all scenes (except in landscapes of course)
- Pay attention to special modes explained below
- Flash is forced so you must disable it in most daylight situations (not RER)
- Use Auto + flash RER as the all-round auto mode
··· SPECIAL FLASH MODES (only applied if flash fires) ···
* Auto scene:
1) Flash AUTO: Daylight flash special mode I. Forced flash. For use in portraits at daylight. (1/6400s, Xenon ISO 250).
2) Flash AUTO + MACRO: Daylight flash special mode II. Forced flash. For use in portraits or macros at daylight. (1/6400s, Xenon ISO 100).
3) Flash RER: Party mode I. Flash not forced. (1/30s, Xenon ISO 320)
4) Flash RER + MACRO. Non-document macro mode. Flash not forced. (1/30s, Xenon ISO 100)
* Twilight portrait scene:
1) Flash AUTO: Slow flash sync mode I (1s, Xenon ISO 160). You can use it for macros too.
2) Flash RER: Party mode II. Flash not forced. (1/8s, Xenon ISO 320)
* Portrait scene:
1) Flash AUTO: Slow flash sync mode II (2s, Xenon ISO 100). You can use it for macros too.
2) Flash RER: Party mode III. Flash not forced. (1/2s, Xenon ISO 250)
* Twilight landscape scene: (2s, ISO 100) (max. values). TIP: Reducing EV will reduce exposure time automatically, so you can play with it.
* Auto scene:
1) Flash OFF: Indoor special mode I. (1/7.5s, ISO 320 fixed). Do not use in high light (i.e. daylight landscapes)
* Twilight portrait scene:
1) Flash OFF: Indoor special mode II. (1/4s, ISO 250 fixed). Do not use in high light (i.e. daylight landscapes)
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Айде не се стискайте.
Публикацията е редактирана (27-12-11 22:14)