Автор: Stoychev
Дата: 04-09-08 12:11
Е, разбира се, в статията от британския вестник се акцентира на страните от кралството.
Britons are among the hardest working people in Europe, with only Romanians and Bulgarians putting in longer hours, according to a new report.
Workers in full-time jobs put in an average of 41.4 hours every week last year - almost two hours more than the average among the 15 original members of the European Union. Only workers in Romania and Bulgaria work longer at an average of 41.7 hours a week.
By comparison, the French spend an average of just 37.7 hours a week at work, effectively giving them an entire afternoon off compared with British workers. And while working hours in many parts of Europe are generally falling, those in Britain are rising - from 40.7 hours last year in 2006.
The figures come from the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions - an organisation set up by the European Union. It found that workers in the 12 new member states that have joined the EU since enlargement began in 2004, work considerably longer than those in the original 15 members - at 40.6 hours a week compared with 39.5 hours.
The study also found that Britons are effectively working for free for longer than anyone else in Europe. In the UK, the average "agreed" working week is just 37.3 hours, suggesting that workers in this country are giving their employers more than four hours of extra time. That gap is bigger than in any other country in the EU, where the average length of extra work above the agreed amount is 1.4 hours.
Nor do the British make up the gap in extra holidays. At an average of 24.6 paid leave days per year.UK workers fare less well than the average EU worker at 25.2 days, and are considerably worse off than the Swedes, where paid leave is the longest in Europe at 33 days.