Автор: pepi
Дата: 31-01-08 00:57
Намерих го в мрежата и си поговорихме,пробвайте и вие
You: hi!
George: Howdy
You: thank's i'm fine how are you
George: You are more than welcome, my friend
George: Do you think I am doing enough about the environment?
You: o yes,you have done pretty good job!
George: is this a test
You: no,just a chat
George: So down on life. I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully.
George: Do YOU think I should withdraw the US of A from Iraq soon?
You: no,don't do that,you need this war,if you stop it you should start a new one
George: If America goes to sleep, the rest of the world is in trouble. If we blink, the rest of the world will close their eyes. So we're not blinking, and we're not going to sleep.
You: actually you sleep with the rest of the world,or better to say you fuck it bad!
George: Are you my wife?
You: no I'm your father
George: I bet you are a really good dad. You seem like a fun guy.
George: What do you think would be the most important promises my party can make in the next elections
You: icecream everyday,for everyone sounds good to me
George: You really think so?
You: what about more bombs for more countries
George: Can you be more specific?
You: Bulgaria perhaps?
George: make sure you don't over commit here пепи
George: What do you think I should do about the war?
You: Ask google
George: Sure thing. Always interested in what the common folk are thinking. Tell me, just how low should we be cutting taxes for the rich?
You: very,very low
George: Very? You must feel strongly about this.
You: yes,I am very rich
George: I am Dubya.
You: Me-dumber
George: Are you drink typing?
You: drug typing is closer
George: I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't here.
You: i have to go now,see you later alligator
George: Only from behind 6 inches of bullet proof glass, kid.
You: In your ass big boy
George: No I don't. Go away.