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 Теми - forum: Клубен живот
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 Лека нощ
Автор: __SpOO__   
Дата:   07-11-10 23:44

Transatlantic - Bridge Across Forever

There's a bridge made of light
That crosses between death and life
Where shadows walk in the sun
And desperate lovers run
One day a child and an angel
...Stood on either side
Of a magic river
That there was no crossing
But as they tried
The water began to rise
Then they raised their eyes

And as the river fell away
They built a bridge across forever
Between tomorrow and today
There is a bridge across forever

I've had this dream all my life
That doesn't live in black and white
It has no end it just begins
In distant sands and magenta winds
And my love she is standing by the side
Of a magic river that there is no crossing
Maybe someday when our spirits begins to rise
And light fills our eyes

We will meet again someday
On the bridge across forever
I know that we will find our way
To the bridge across forever
Between tomorrow and today
There is a bridge across forever
I know that we will find our way
To the bridge across forever...

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: RustyGun   
Дата:   08-11-10 05:02

Лека,лека, колко да е лека?!

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: sir_sky   
Дата:   08-11-10 05:08

Лека лека, то обяд вече бре![smilie5]

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: __SpOO__   
Дата:   08-11-10 23:04

Avantasia - The Story Ain't Over

Rousing from dreams, craving for someone
Wept himself to sleep
He s waiting for a sign from above
Where is the love

The hourglass in pieces, dashed to the wall
The future is over
Tomorrow's been slipping away
And nothing remains

He'd known it won't last forever
She'd go ahead for a while

When you open your eyes
When you gaze at the sky
When you look to the stars
As they shut down the night
You know this story ain't over

When you open your eyes
When you gaze at the sky
When you look to the stars
As they shut down the night
You feel this story ain't over

Where is the candle in this lonesome night?
Angle why are you so wayward
Abandoning me, try my belief

When life is not words
and tongue is not answers
And we only can t see a reason
Why would it mean
that it's not meant to be

He'd known it won't last forever
She d go ahead for a while

When you open your eyes
When you gaze at the sky
When you look to the stars
As they shut down the night
You know this story ain't over

When you open your eyes
When you gaze at the sky
When you look to the stars
As they shut down the night
You feel this story ain't over...

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: siyann   
Дата:   08-11-10 23:16

Не съвсем, но...

Wuthering Heights - Sleep

The velvet darkness
Where time stands still

Those sweet hours
Where the challenged finds
A moment's refuge

Embrace the warm shadows
Unconscious the truth

The torn soul leaves its house
And journeys on moon paths
To the edge of the world

And for a brief while
Again you feel the caress of the wind
On the plains of evermore

Bird of sleep come carry us
Upon the wings of freedom
Journey to the refuge on the other side
Play again like children
Without sorrow in our hearts
And when you fly us back
We'll shine with the morning star

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: k7   
Дата:   08-11-10 23:18

Лека нощ!

• Когато започнах да обичам себе си, открих, че мъката и страданията са само предупредителни сигнали за това, че живея против своята собствена истинност. Днес аз знам, че това се нарича "да бъдеш самия себе си".

• Когато започнах да обичам себе си, разбрах колко силно може да обидиш някого, ако го принуждаваш да изпълнява собствените си желания, макар да знаеш, че не им е дошло времето и човекът още не е готов за това, въпреки че този човек бях аз самият. Днес наричам това "самоуважение".

• Когато започнах да обичам себе си, спрях да жадувам за друг живот и изведнъж видях, че всичко, който ме заобикаля сега, ме приканва да раста. Днес аз наричам това "зрялост".

• Когда започнах да обичам себе си, разбрах, че при всякакви обстоятелства аз се намирам в точното място и в точното време и всичко се случва точно когато трябва. Така че мога да бъда спокоен. Днес аз наричам това "увереност в себе си".

• Когато започнах да обичам себе си, престанах да крада от своето собствено време и спрях да правя грандиозни планове за бъдещето. Днес правя само онова, което ми доставя радост и ме прави щастлив, нещата, които обичам и които развеселяват сърцето ми. Правя това по свой собствен начин и в свой собствен ритъм. Днес аз наричам това "простота".

• Когато започнах да обичам себе си, аз се освободих от всичко, което вреди на моето здраве - храна, хора, вещи, ситуации. Всичко, което ме дърпаше надолу и ме отвеждаше далеч от мен самия. В началото наричах тази позиция здравословен егоизъм. Днес аз знам, че това е "любов към самия себе си".

• Когато започнах да обичам себе си, престанах да се опитвам да бъда винаги прав. И оттогава започнах все по-малко да греша. Днес разбирам, че това е "скромност".

• Когато започнах да обичам себе си, престанах да живея с миналото и да се тревожа за бъдещето. Днес живея само в настоящия момент, в който се случва всичко. Днес аз живея всеки ден, ден след ден, и наричам това "удовлетворение".

• Когато започнах да обичам себе си, осъзнах, че моят ум може да ми пречи, че от него мога дори да се разболея. Когато обаче го свързах с моето сърце, той веднага ми стана ценен помощник. Тази връзка днес аз наричам "мъдростта на сърцето".

• Ние повече нямаме нужда от спорове, конфронтации, проблеми със самите нас и с другите хора. Дори звездите се сблъскват, а от сблъсъка се раждат нови светове. Днес аз знам, че това е Животът.

Чарли Чаплин

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: __SpOO__   
Дата:   09-11-10 23:58

Coverdale/Page - Take Me For A Little While

Now my days are growing cold,
All the memories unfold
Thinking 'bout the friends we lost,
Wondering how to count the cost,
Now my days are growing cold

I can hardly wait any longer,
Now the feeling's growing stronger
Thinking 'bout the times we had,
Good times always turn into bad,
Now my days are growing cold

Why don't you take me for a little while,
Sing me songs you know will make me smile
Why don't you take me for a little while

As I watch the rising sun,
I see a new day just begun
Thinking 'bout the sacrifice,
Wondering how to pay the price,
Now my world is growing cold

Why don't you take me for a little while,
Sing me songs you know will make me smile, make me smile
Why don't you take me for a little while

So now my days are growing cold,
All my memories been told
Thinking 'bout the dreams we lost,
Wondering how to count the cost
Now my days are growing cold

Why don't you take me for a little while,
Sing me songs you know will make me smile
Why don't you take me for a little while,
Sing me songs you know will make me, make me, make me smile

Make me smile...

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: Dani_Koev_BG   
Дата:   09-11-10 23:59

Лека, пичуи!

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: __SpOO__   
Дата:   11-11-10 00:04

Bad English - The Time Alone With You

When everything is cloudy
And the sun won’t shine for me
And it seems
Like nothing’s goin’ right
There’s a place I want to be
Just laying there beside you
In the shelter of your room
I leave the world
Outside your door
Lose myself in you
When you’re in my arms
I find all that I need
I could never live without
The heaven that you showed me
I’ve been waiting all my life
Just to look into your eyes
I live for the time alone with you
And when I climb
The stairs to find you
And we reach for the light
I thank God I’ve got
This time alone with you
Your kiss can captivate me
And your touch can set me free
I count the hours baby
Till you are next to me
And it’s taken such a long time
To find someone that understands
When I reach out for love now
I reach out for your hand
When I feel your heart beat
It makes me come alive
I don’t wanna live without
Something that is so right
I’ve been waiting all my life
Just to look into your eyes
I live for the time alone with you
Cause every time I see your face
All my troubles fade away
I live for the time alone with you
And when I climb the stairs to find you
And we reach for the light
I thank God I’ve got this time alone with you
I’ve been waiting all my life
Just to look into your eyes
I live for the time alone with you
Cause every time I see your face
All my troubles fade away
I live for the time alone with you
And when I climb the stairs to find you
And we reach for the light
I thank God I’ve got this time alone with you
Oh, this time alone with you...

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: __SpOO__   
Дата:   11-11-10 23:10

Beto Vazquez Infinity - Sadness in the night

In the night I feel the cold of my loneliness
Cold that embraces my heart
Draining my strength to fight
Only to breathe this suffering

Tell me why?
Why must I bear this cross
So heavy for my soul?
Please hold me in your love

I am the keeper of his heart
I was sent to take care of his sweetness
Never I'll forget his love
Never I'll forget the light
That shone in his eyes

Let me fly, let me be free
To stay with him beyond this life
Run across the sky
Let me see the sun again

Let me die
Give me the light
I'm waiting for death to knock on my door to release my pain
My sadness in the night

Let me die
Give me the light
I'm waiting for death to knock on my door, to release my pain
My sadness in the night, forevermore

Every day I dream of sunlight in my dark room
I want to find a reason why
Justify my reason to stay alive
Within this pain

Tell me why?
Why must I bear this cross
So heavy for my soul?
Please hold me in your love

Let me die
Give me the light
I'm waiting for death to knock on my door, to release my pain
My sadness in the night

Let me die
Give me the light
I'm waiting for death to knock on my door, to release my pain
My sadness in the night

Let me die
Give me the light
I'm waiting for death to knock on my door, to release my pain
My sadness in the night

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: __SpOO__   
Дата:   14-11-10 00:19

Widowmaker - Calling For You

When you walked away
I saw the curtain start to fall
And as my blue skies turned to grey
I knew I lost it all
And as your smile began to fade
10,000 pictures filled my head
Of all the good and happy times we had
And feelings left unsaid
Too much was left unsaid
Girl I want you to stay
I beg you I pray
Don't leave me this way
I've so much to say
Oh, don't walk away
How long must I pay?

Calling for you
Calling for you
Lost without you
Nothing else matters
Can you see through
All that I do
I'm calling for you
Now and forever more

And if I told you how I feel
Girl would it change a single thing
Or were the times we had unreal
But not the tears they bring
The memories they sting
Girl I want you to see
I need you with me
Oh please let us be
I've so much to give
Please let our love live
Oh, can't you forgive

Girl I'm tired and alone
My heart has no home
My tears they fall like stone
And now I'm afraid
Your feelings did fade
Can our love be saved?

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: __SpOO__   
Дата:   20-11-10 00:01

The Snakes - Showdown

Looking for you I've been looking for me
Looking for something to help me believe

I cried for mercy
I have prayed to the Lord
The angels have fallen and now I cry some more

Meet me at the crossroads to show me which way to turn
I've tried so hard but 1 never seem to learn
Too many cloudy days
And so many sleepless nights
Hoping for Jesus to make everything alright

Rivers run dry for you and I
Now there's a storm and it's coming my way
Heading for a showdown

Blood red sky
The tears you cry

Now there's a fire and it's burning
Standing here in a curtain of iron

So here I stand in this spotlight it's my destiny
Waiting for the coming day trying to find the key

Looking for you I'm still looking for me
Looking for something to help me believe

Rivers run dry for you and I
Now there's a storm and it's coming my way
Heading for a showdown

Blood red sky
The tears you cry

Now there's a fire and it's burning
Standing here in a curtain of iron

I'll go where the wind blows to the end of the rainbow
Drifting slowly to the point of no return
Will the children ever learn

Looking for you И've been looking for me
Looking for something to help me believe...

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: HP   
Дата:   20-11-10 00:42

Този потребител е деактивиран. Всички негови текстове са изтрити от администратора.

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: __SpOO__   
Дата:   22-11-10 23:00

KISS - Every Time I Look At You

Tryin' to say I'm sorry,
didn't mean to break your heart
And find you waitin' up by the light of day
There's a lot I want to tell you,
but I don't know where to start
...And I don't know what I'd do if you walked away

Ooh, baby I tried to make it,
I just got lost along the way

But every time I look at you,
no matter what I'm goin' through, it's easy to see
And every time I hold you,
the things I never told you, seem to come easily
'Cause you're everything to me

I never really wanted to let you get inside my heart
I wanted to believe this would soon be ending
I thought it wouldn't matter, if it all just came apart
But now I realize I was just pretending

Ooh, baby, I know I hurt you,
but you can still believe in me

It's gonna take a little time to show you,
just what you mean to me, oh yeah
It seems the more I get to know you,
the more I need to make you see
You're everything I need, yeah

Ooh, I need ya, I need ya, I need ya.
Ooh, baby, baby, baby, I know I hurt you,
but you can still believe in me...

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: __SpOO__   
Дата:   24-11-10 23:32

Joe Satrinai - Rubina's Blue Sky Happiness

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: __SpOO__   
Дата:   27-11-10 00:00

Conan - The Secret of Steel

Fire and wind come from the sky, from the gods of the sky. But Crom is your god. Crom, and he lives in the Earth. Once giants lived in the Earth, Conan. And in the darkness of chaos...they fooled Crom, and they took from him the enigma of steel.

Crom was angered, and the Earth shook. And fire and wind struck down these giants, and they threw their bodies into the waters. But in their rage, the gods forgot the secret of steel and left it on the battlefield. And we who found it...are just men.

Not gods. Not giants. Just men. And the secret of steel has always carried with it a mystery. You must learn its riddle, Conan. You must learn its discipline. For no one, no one in this world can you trust; not men, not women, not beasts. This you can trust.

Conan The Barbarian - Riddle of Steel / Riders of Doom

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: __SpOO__   
Дата:   05-12-10 22:38

Scorpions - Lady Starlight

Walking through a winter night,
Counting the stars
And passing time
I dream about the summer days,
Love in the sun
And lonely bays

I see the stars, they're miles and miles away
Like our love,
On one of these lonely winter nights

Dreaming through a winter night,
Memories of you are passing by
It seems to me like yesterday
I think you knew I couldn't stay

I see the stars, they're miles and miles away
Like our love
Lady starlight, help me to find my love
Lady starlight, help me tonight
Help me to find my love

Walking through a winter night,
Counting the stars
And passing time
Snow dances with the wind
I wish, I could be with you again

I see the stars, they're miles and miles away
Like our love
Lady starlight, help me to find my love
Lady starlight, help me tonight
Help me to find my love

Lady starlight, help me tonight
Help me to find my love

Lady starlight, help me tonight
Help me to find my love...

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: __SpOO__   
Дата:   08-12-10 23:57

Lita Ford - Lisa

Lisa, you are the shelter for my soul
Lisa, you heal my heart when I lose control
As I let my fingers trace
Each time worn line on your face
I know only love creates a masterpiece like you
I know it's true

Lisa, Lisa, say you're going to live forever
Lisa, Lisa, we're never gonna say goodbye
Only you know who I am
Only you really understand
Nothing's going to take you away

Lisa, I know we live in different worlds
Lisa, I will always be your little girl
And on a stormy night
You built a rainbow to my door
I'll always remember you

Lisa, Lisa, say you're going to live forever
Lisa, Lisa, we're never gonna say goodbye
Only you know who I am
Only you really understand
Nothing's going to take you away

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: __SpOO__   
Дата:   10-12-10 22:59

America - The Last Unicorn

When the last eagle flies over the last crumbling mountain
And the last lion roars at the last dusty fountain
In the shadow of the forest though she may be old and worn
They will stare unbelieving at the last unicorn

When the first breath of winter through the flowers is icing
And you look to the north and a pale moon is rising
And it seems like all is dying and would leave the world to mourn
In the distance hear the laughter of the last unicorn

I'm alive, I'm alive

When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning
And the future has passed without even a last desperate warning
Then look into the sky where through the clouds a path is torn
Look and see her how she sparkles, it's the last unicorn

I'm alive, I'm alive

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: __SpOO__   
Дата:   12-12-10 23:11

Deep Purple - Lalena

When the sun goes to bed
That's the time your raise your head
That's your lot in life Lalena
Can't blame you Lalena

Arty Tart la de da
Can your part get much sadder
That's your lot in life Lalena
Can't blame you Lalena

Run you hand thru your hair
Paint your face with despair
That's your lot in life Lalena
Can't blame you Lalena

When the sun goes to bed
That's the time your raise your head
That's your lot in life Lalena
Can't blame you Lalena

Arty Tart Oh so la de da
Can your part ever get, ever get much sadder
That's your lot in life Lalena
Can't blame you Lalena
Oh, Lalena

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: __SpOO__   
Дата:   17-12-10 23:57

Macbeth - Aloisa

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: __SpOO__   
Дата:   19-12-10 00:45

Charon - House Of The Silent

Cold rising around the silent house where the love in bloom died with the last harvest
Whispering walls remembrance to hold and the voices they weep no one hears, no one hears

So is the moon reflecting back your sorrow, surely I'll follow

Laying beside your bed waiting for the last breath
Can it be done, can it be saved 'till we apart
Slowly ran water down to fill you
Slowly turns tide for us to weep

For this I was given birth

Only shadows will travel the yards where she laid and your flowers won't bloom, bloom at day
Cold rising above the silent house and the voices are dead, buried in to my head, buried in to my head

So is the moon reflecting back your sorrow, surely I'll follow

Laying beside your bed waiting for the last breath
Can it be done, can it be saved 'till we apart
Slowly ran water down to fill you
Slowly turns tide for us to weep

For this I was given birth
For this I was given name
Slowly ran water down to reap...

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: __SpOO__   
Дата:   19-12-10 22:07

Starbreaker - Days of confussion

The moment I believed in something
I saw my space open wide
To far too see, too soon to go there
But I could dream

Crossing over the shadows
And through my days of confusion,
I'm free - I am free - Yeah!

No looking back, no yesterdays,
I'm right where I am
And so I know, what I know and
It's all I need

Riding straight to the mountain
and through my days fo confusion
I'm free - I am free -Oh yeah!

Now I can dream

Crossing over the shadows
and through my days of confusion
I'm riding straight to the mountain
cause now I am my illusion
I'm flying out on the highway
I'm feeling all that I am and I'm free, I am free

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: __SpOO__   
Дата:   22-12-10 00:16

Annihilator - Phoenix Rising

Day by day, watching you disappear
Wishing that you were still here beside me
On my own, swimming against the tide
There's nobody on my side but your memory
Then you'll rise right before my eyes
On wings that fill the sky
Like a phoenix rising
Like a phoenix rising

Wings on fire, tearing into the night
Screaming into the light of another day
Carry me out of the hurricane
Into the smoke and flame and well fly away
And well rise right before their eyes
On wings that fill the sky
Like a phoenix rising
Like a phoenix rising

Higher, higher, hear the thunder roar from above
Fire, fire, fire makes me whole

And well rise right before their eyes
On wings that fill the sky
Like a phoenix rising
Like a phoenix rising

Wings on fire, tearing in to the night
And we'll fly away...

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Лека нощ
Автор: __SpOO__   
Дата:   03-01-11 22:34

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Symphony 40 in G minor

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