Автор: Amigo
Дата: 26-10-10 16:50
за всякакви рекорди...
Калифорнийските сексолози Уилям Хартман и Мерилин Фитиан посветили живота си в изучаването на секса. Те доказали, че в рамките на един час една жена може да изпита най-много 134 оргазма , а рекорда при мъжете е 16 за един час. През 1966 г. специално проучване разкри, че продължителността на най-дългия оргазъм при жената е 43 секунди.
Освен това в света е поставен рекорд и за най-голям брой сексуални партньори. Призът в тази категория се присъжда на Лиса Спаркс през 2004 г., която успяла да "обслужи" 919 мъже.
(източник VESTI.BG)
бре, тия жени, да им се ненадява човек!
That female orgasms can be reckoned in hundreds - in the most extreme cases - in a single session may seem absurd. There is a body of evidence however to suggest that such a possibility could obtain in fact, Brecher, for instance, quotes the experience of a male participant in the Sexual Freedom Movement - "I would estimate that she experienced between 100 and 200 orgasms during the 4 hour period. Her orgasms were quite obviously physiological; there was no possibility of 'pretending'." Pomeroy notes "one woman who was capable of from fifteen to twenty orgasms in twenty minutes". Cauthery and Cole declare that "the world's standing record is 100 in one hour," though they give no reference for this remarkable accomplishment.
ето още
Sex Records
1) The most ejaculatory orgasms ever recorded in 1 hour for a man is 16.
2) The farthest a woman has been recorded to ejaculate is about 9'29" (3 m).
3) The greatest distance attained for a jet of semen that has ever been recorded is 18'9" (5.71 m) which was achieved with a "substantial" amount of seminal fluid by Horst Schultz.
4) The average speed of a man's ejaculation is 28 miles (45.05 km) per hour. The average speed of a city bus is 25 miles (40.22 km) per hour.
5) Having swallowed the most amount of semen ever officially recorded Michelle Monaghan had 1.7 pints (0.96 liter) of semen pumped out of her stomach in Los Angeles in July 1991.
6) The female gangbang world record is owned by a woman named Houston who had intercourse with 620 men in one day! A video was made of this historic event. As it took about 10 hours (with a few very brief breaks) to do it, the average time of intercourse was less than 58 seconds.
7) Women hold the record for having the most orgasms. The biggest amount of orgasms enjoyed by a woman in 1 hour ever recorded is a pussy shattering 134!
8) The male gangbang world record goes to porn actor Jon Dough who worked himself over 55 women in one day. He had 5 to 6 ejaculations. Actually, he was supposed to have had intercourse with at least 101 women, but he did the other 46 two weeks later.
9) The record of the man who has had intercourse the most frequently goes to a man who was recorded to have had intercourse about 52,000 times over a period of 30 years. This means he had intercourse on average 33.3 times a week!