Автор: krist
Дата: 05-03-10 11:55
Има вече достатъчно независими научни изследвания, показващи, че ГМО са потенциално вредни.. Никой не показа обаче до момента нито едно научно изследване, показващо, че ГМО са безвредни.. За това, докато не се проведат правилно научни изследвания върху поне три вида бозайници, върху поне няколко поколения и в продължение на няколко години от независим източник, ГМО не бива да бъдат пускани в околната среда! Преди дни четох, че в УСА тестват златния ориз направо върху хора, което е смехотворно просто!
Интервю с проф. Патрик Уол, председател на European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) до 2008:
Малко цитатчета от интервюто:
Part 2:
0:35 "Science is an evolving subject, and so no scientist can say that they have complete information and nobody can say there's absolutely no risk, so of course there is a risk.."
1:12 "We have in the scientific literature a thing called "publication bias" that literature with positive findings are more likely to be published than issues with negative findings, so we have this all the time with pharmaceutical agents...So this is the point where we need probably much more publicly-funded research"
2:57 "..of course EFSA is not independent in the sense EFSA does what legislation mandates it to do"
9:08 "I think there should be more publicly-funded research in this area and that data should be all made public...and if there are flaws, those flaws have to be addressed"
9:34 "We cannot force-feed the European citizens products they don't want"
Part 3:
1:10 Question: "The biotech companies claim "Americans have been eating GM for years without any problem". Isn't that ridiculous without the labeling required for traceability?". P.W.:"If you want to do long-term studies you have to have case controls therefore you have to know you have controls that didn't eat the products and compare them with those who did, if everybody has eaten the products, you can't do those kind of studies"
4:25 "Cross-pollination in the environment is an issue"...
4:43 "Cross pollination exists"