Автор: didi72
Дата: 16-10-12 20:24
Здравейте, предлагам обектив Сигма 24-70/2.8 заедно със сенник и неопренив калъв, за скромните 560 лв
Сигмата е за Канон, позван е на Канон 40Д любителски
Сигмата е носен във фото павилион за проверка на състоянието -то е идеално /в момента е изложен в офиса на фото павилион/
Това е един прекрасен обектив за всякаква употреба, закупен е за близо 1000 лв и дскоро го имаше в павилиона. Сега излезе новата версия, която е 1800лв, а Канонският вариянт е над 2000лв
малко информация
Обектва става и на фулфрейм тела
тегло 715g
инфото е следният сайт–http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/Sigma-24-70mm-f-2.8-EX-DG-Lens-Review.aspx
The Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG Lens is a well-built, well-spec'd lens with a decent price. It does not outperform (physically or optically) Canon's similarly spec'd EF 24-70mm f/2.8 L USM Lens, but it costs less than half as much
The Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG Lens is solidly built but pays some penalty in the form of size and weight. Measuring 3.5" x 4.5" (88.7 x 115.5mm) and weighing 25.2 oz (715g), the Sigma is still smaller and lighter than Canon's 24-70 L which measures 3.3" x 4.9" (83.2 x 123.5 mm) and weighs 32 oz (950g). Extended, the length difference between the two lenses increases slightly. The Sigma is at its shortest around 60mm and longest at 24mm focused closely as it extends a small amount with focusing. The Sigma's diameter abruptly changes at various points, creating hard-edge transitions that in my opinion detract from the comfort of holding this lens compared to the consistent diameter of Canon's 24-70. However, it is not hard to find the correct ring to turn
The Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG Lens is sharpest at the wide end of its focal length range. At 24/28mm, the 24-70 is very sharp in the center at f/3.2. However, performance gets progressively worse as the focal length is increased. To me, 70mm f/2.8 is not usable on this lens. At 70mm f/4, center performance becomes useable. Corners (1.6x FOVCF corners included) need an extra stop at all focal lengths to become very good - generally becoming very nice at f/5.6.