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  forum: Фото базар - Цифрова техника
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Автор: Seifi   
Дата:   08-10-10 20:07



R-K mount
The R-K mount is a variation on the original K mount by Ricoh. It supports Ricoh's own implementation of shutter priority and auto exposure modes, similar to the KA mount but much simpler. The only addition to the original K mount is a small pin at the bottom which tells the body when the aperture ring has been set to the "P" setting (similar to the "A" setting on Pentax KA lenses).
The R-K mount is used on Rikenon P lenses, Ricoh bodies that include the letter 'P' in their model number, and some non-Ricoh lenses. It is compatible with all other K-mount cameras and lenses when in manual or aperture-priority exposure modes, however the extra pin needs to be removed for safe use on autofocus Pentax cameras. If this is not done, the lens may lock on the camera body and will need dismantling before it can be removed from the body of Pentax autofocus cameras. The 'P' setting is not compatible with the 'A' setting as the 'P' pin is in a different location than the 'A' contact on Pentax 'A' lenses and the flange on Pentax bodies.

Exakta MF 70-210mm F4.5-5.6 Macro MC

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Exakta MC Macro 4.5 - 5.6 70-210mm
Автор: allpi   
Дата:   09-10-10 11:42

купувам обектива писах на личен !!!

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Exakta MC Macro 4.5 - 5.6 70-210mm
Автор: Seifi   
Дата:   15-10-10 17:08

Obektiva e veche ugovoren

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