Автор: Lycan
Дата: 03-11-16 19:36
"You're confusing effective focal length, a term some use to mean 35mm equivalent, with effective aperture, which means the size of the aperture as seen through the front of the lens. N=ƒ/D, where N is f-number, ƒ is focal length (not "effective focal length, but the actual focal length of the lens), and D is effective aperture. f-number is a measure of a lens's ability to concentrate light at the image plane, and focal length is a factor because the longer the focal length, the more the light will spread out, giving you less light per unit of area"
135 format equivalent relative aperture (equivalent f-number),
where SW=sensor height (mm);
SH=sensor width (mm);
RA=relative aperture (f-number):