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 Интервю с Тору Кацумото от Сони (English)
Автор: mugen   
Дата:   17-12-09 11:39


Интервю с Toru Katsumoto (Sony Alpha Senior General Manager)

Тук е цялото интервю преведено то японски,
отдолу копнах по-интересните въпроси.
Мързи ме да превеждам [smilie8]


We’ve repeatedly heard rumors about a mirrorless SLR. Is Sony actually working on one?

Small body size is surely one of the big merits of the mirrorless design. But you also end being forced to rely on contrast AF. We’ve been using contrast AF in our video cameras for a very long time, but feel that contrast AF is suitable for video. But whether it’s possible to get contrast AF to work for the kind of quick, almost instantaneous AF required by an SLR remains to be seen.
This is not Alpha strategy but rather just my personal opinion, but I believe there are a variety of viable applications for mirrorless SLRs depending on how the consumers want to use them.

So if you do develop a mirrorless design it’ll mean designing a new mount as well won’t it?

I think both options (using the present mount or developing a new one) are real possibilities. But the alpha mount is our default and we will stay with it no matter what. Our first priority is to keep developing that line. But at the same time we will not rule out the possibility of developing a secondary line of mirrorless cameras. But we also won’t make any promises at this point. We simply haven’t made a final decision.

Isn’t it true that Sony’s current live view system won’t really work for video? How do you plan to solve that issue?

We feel we did a pretty good job of covering still photography cameras over the past 3 years and feel that it’s about time to address the video issue. We already have a lot of video technology and know how so we hope to make significant contributions by applying what we have to this new market. I can’t really discuss specific technical matters but our goal is to develop a product that is just as easy to use as a normal camcorder while securely maintaining good still photography capabilities and taking full advantage of all the lens options for video as well.

While it’s widely accepted that video functions have drawn attention because of all the lens options and superior IQ in comparison to camcorders. At the same time it really isn’t all that easy to truly master video photography on a DSLR. Are you hoping to address that issue as well?

I agree that the real appeal of DSLR video is the excellent S/N and the lens options. Those who have really mastered this application are in fact creating much more than records. They are in fact, creating art. So naturally those users will demand the functions needed for their work. But at the same time I believe there is still a need for basic, simple and user friendly video applications. That’s where our handycam knowledge comes into play, enabling us to develop a camera that is a DSLR but can also work like a camcorder.
I’m going to hold off on answering your question about the compatibility of our present live view technology and video, not because it’s a secret or anything, but because we are still considering all options and don’t want to prematurely narrow down the field. We will be the last ones to implement video into our DSLRs but our goal is to develop a product such that when a user goes out and buys a “normal” entry level model they can effortlessly begin shooting video footage from the very first day.

Well then, what about a high spec high amateur level body.
I’m not going to promise a release during the coming year but that is what we are planning on. It’s hard to make promises about bodies because things change with regard to the various devices we put in those bodies. But one thing is for sure; there definitely will be a replacement for the A700. Without a solid top-level model to dream about our users will eventually cease to dream themselves. We definitely intend to have a high amature high spec camera that invites people to dream dreams.

In closing, can you give us a brief summary of what kind of camera Alpha is envisioning in the coming year.
We intend to release products that break new ground technologically. It will look like an orthodox camera on the outside but the contents will be very new and exciting. In terms of functions and quality it will be a very competitive product so stay tuned!

[smilie8] [smilie21]

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Интервю с Toru Katsumoto (Sony)
Автор: minolta9   
Дата:   17-12-09 14:03

Този потребител е деактивиран. Всички негови текстове са изтрити от администратора.

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Интервю с Toru Katsumoto (Sony)
Автор: mugen   
Дата:   17-12-09 14:12

google превод [smilie10] [smilie5] [smilie18]

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Интервю с Toru Katsumoto (Sony)
Автор: Mec   
Дата:   17-12-09 16:06

Този потребител е деактивиран. Всички негови текстове са изтрити от администратора.

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Интервю с Toru Katsumoto (Sony)
Автор: minolta9   
Дата:   17-12-09 16:07

Този потребител е деактивиран. Всички негови текстове са изтрити от администратора.

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Интервю с Toru Katsumoto (Sony)
Автор: danny_falin   
Дата:   17-12-09 16:12

на сонианци [smilie10]

бтв за това мирорлес тяло си лафим от както сват светува
време му е на огледалото да си иде в кофата
само бърз аф да измислят

Публикацията е редактирана (17-12-09 16:16)

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Интервю с Toru Katsumoto (Sony)
Автор: sirkhann   
Дата:   17-12-09 16:13

[smilie18] Чак като цъкнах на линка се усетих, че написаното е било на Английски [smilie18]

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Интервю с Тору Кацумото от Сони (English)
Автор: mugen   
Дата:   17-12-09 17:44

редактирах заглавието, дано се разбира [smilie8]

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Интервю с Тору Кацумото от Сони (English)
Автор: minolta9   
Дата:   17-12-09 18:02

Този потребител е деактивиран. Всички негови текстове са изтрити от администратора.

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Интервю с Тору Кацумото от Сони (English)
Автор: jivkojj   
Дата:   17-12-09 18:08

Това с автоматична преводачка ли е правено Jp-En [smilie10]

От всичко това разбрах, че човека или няма какво да каже или не знае какво да каже.
Другото което стана ясно е, че сони ще се напъват да наваксват с видето, а фотото засега оставят настрана. Включително и така желаната от някои безогледална система.

На подеобен вид изказвания аз бих казал "Много плява - малко жито" [smilie18]

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Интервю с Тору Кацумото от Сони (English)
Автор: vgramatikov   
Дата:   17-12-09 19:30

Човека каза ,че ще има нов д700 до година какво искате...

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Интервю с Тору Кацумото от Сони (English)
Автор: gmg571208   
Дата:   17-12-09 20:00

Става дума за а700[smilie24] [smilie24] [smilie24] , нали? ...[smilie10] (д700 и сега си го има [smilie5] )

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Интервю с Тору Кацумото от Сони (English)
Автор: hotsnail   
Дата:   17-12-09 22:40

Верно че това за А700 и видеото са двете неща дето е казал. Другото ....

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