Monthly theme - December 2023 - Exotic

open 01.12.2023 - 05.01.2024

What is exotic?

Can it be described unambiguously?

I will tell you a story happened few years ago. I was on a trip to Sri Lanka and inspired by the many new fruits and vegetables I saw there I asked our host to tell me what was the most exotic fruit they had in Sri Lanka. He said it was hard for him to explain, but he would show me at the grocery. He took me there, walked around the shelves, finally stopped in front of the apples and grapes and said, this is it. They are the most exotic, but they are quite expensive.

Well, that's the exotic.

Where is the difference between exotic and everyday life, try to show in your photos, as there is no place for everyday photo here :)

Cover photo Alexander Petrov - sas

The idea behind "Theme of the Month" is to create a gallery with a variety of shots, sharing them with others. To inspire people make photos, to look for inspiration, to learn new things, to communicate. Photos that are not related to the theme, will bw moved to another gallery.
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