open 01.05.2021 - 31.05.2021
A tested method somebody to say that you do not understand photography and you're not a photographer is to place a group of people with their backs to the sun to take a group picture :)
Backlight or light falling behind the object is a photographic approach. The truth is that experienced photographers are very good at this method and often use it, to create an impressive drawing in the photo. This often outlines or fills the photo with light, depending on which part of the day is chosen.
Do you master this approach?
Cover photo: Vladimir Karamazov - vlado79
The idea behind "Theme of the Month" is to create a gallery with a variety of shots, sharing them with others. To inspire people make photos, to look for inspiration, to learn new things, to communicate. Photos that are not related to the theme, will bw moved to another gallery.
A tested method somebody to say that you do not understand photography and you're not a photographer is to place a group of people with their backs to the sun to take a group picture :)
Backlight or light falling behind the object is a photographic approach. The truth is that experienced photographers are very good at this method and often use it, to create an impressive drawing in the photo. This often outlines or fills the photo with light, depending on which part of the day is chosen.
Do you master this approach?
Cover photo: Vladimir Karamazov - vlado79
The idea behind "Theme of the Month" is to create a gallery with a variety of shots, sharing them with others. To inspire people make photos, to look for inspiration, to learn new things, to communicate. Photos that are not related to the theme, will bw moved to another gallery.