Автор: boni
Дата: 23-07-10 12:47
Пробвах още няколко конвертора - е с никой не става това плавно преливане във фона, придружено с фино зърно и без груби артефакти.
Току що излезе и ревю в дпревю - има примери и с канон, то се вижда за какво иде реч.
Яввно, това което опитвам не е чак толкова смешно, щом и други го забелязват....
As you can see, Lightroom's new RAW process is significantly improved over the earlier 2003 engine which was used in Lightroom 2. Not only is detail frequently slightly better defined in low ISO images, but noise (especially chroma) is visibly reduced towards the higher end of the ISO scale from all of the cameras shown here. The new processing engine also does a better job of pulling detail out of high ISO files than the previous version, and in mnost cases, we feel that Adobe's 2010 process gives the best results of any of the conversion engines used in this comparison.
Look at all ISO settings from the Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3 to see how much less chroma noise is visible in files converted using the new process, and much better detail is rendered towards the top end of the ISO scale. The improvement is also very apparent in the Canon EOS-1D Mark IV's ISO 25,600 and ISO 51,200 images, where Canon's Digital Photo Professional gives increasingly blotchy results, and both Bibble Pro 5 and Adobe's 2003 process struggle with chroma. In contrast, Adobe's new 2010 process delivers excellent detail and relatively low noise at the expense of a noticeable 'grittiness' which we don't find objectionable, but can of course be reduced using the 'luminance' noise slider in Lightroom 3 (which by default is set to zero).