Автор: Kanonir
Дата: 01-11-08 16:49
The Alpha 900 team was at PhotoPlus last week, and they let an interesting tidbit slip... They claim that they convinced the sensor division at Sony (the folks at PhotoPlus were camera designers) NOT to sell the A900 sensor to anyone, in order to build Sony's camera market share. Canon's been doing this for years, so it would make sense for Sony to adopt the same strategy. If that is the case, the highest resolution sensors currently available to Nikon (ignoring medium-format sensors) are the 12 mp full-frame unit they are using and possibly the 14.something MP cropped sensor that's in a couple of Sonys and Pentaxes. If this is true, the rumors of a medium-format Nikon may not be far-fetched at all (MF sensors are freely available, although very expensive). If both makers of DSLR sensors (Canon and Sony) have now decided to restrict high-end sensors to their own products, Nikon either has to go medium-format at the high end, design their own sensors or both. I can't see Sony cutting off the supply of anything except full-frame sensors (they simply make too much money selling the same crop-frame sensor to everyone and his uncle), although I COULD see them waiting a few months to sell each new sensor after they have it in an Alpha (for that matter, they may let the A900 sensor go in January or so).
If Sony's playing that game, Nikon had better BOTH add medium-format AND design their own sensors (they can get someone to fab them) - being perpetually behind Canon and Sony in sensor technology, and never being able to lead even Pentax (Sony will always sell the sensor to Nikon and Pentax on the same day) is a very bad place to be. The D3/D700 sensor is, at least partially, a Nikon design, and it's a great sensor, so they can do it - they just need to factor their own sensors into their high-end product cycles so they're not behind...
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