Автор: rumiana
Дата: 22-07-08 16:15
За форумците в Чикаго:
July 5 – September 28, 2008
Chicago Cultural Center, Michigan Avenue Galleries
78 E. Washington St., Chicago
Over 40 years ago, famed dance ethnographer and cultural specialist Martin Koenig embarked on a trip to Bulgaria armed with a letter of introduction from Margaret Mead. In this initial trip and on several subsequent visits, he worked in villages throughout the country filming, recording and photographing the lively yet endangered aspects of the traditional culture he observed. These historic, black and white photographs portray villagers, especially musicians and dancers, and document a traditional way of life that has since been transformed by modernization and globalization.
Междувпрочем, Мартин Кьониг е човекът, открил Валя Балканска за света и станал повод нейният запис на "Излел е Дельо хайдутин" (направен от него) да бъде включен в селекцията, изпратена в космоса на борда на "Вояджър".