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За стандартната ценова листа и условия изпратете запитване до webmaster@photo-forum.net.
Здравейте! Знам, че скоро време има доста проблеми с техниката под наем, но реших да пробвам все пак. Търся широк обектив за канон, нещо от сорта на: 17-40мм,17-50мм некое тамронче 17-85, та и 18-55 китака може. Трябва ми да направя няколко снимки в стая на един надпис на бял лист, но със 100-300мм ми, хващам само няколко букви . Става въпрос за Пловдив, утре съм там и след лекции мога да мина и да се видим някъде и в четвъртък го връщам. Ако има такива на лични да се разберем нещо.
"My first scanner camera was made from lots of duct tape, a cardboard box, and the cheapest flatbed scanner that I could find. I expected this to be a quick little art project, one that would take a week or two at the most. But when I got my first homemade digital camera to work, I noticed that some wonderful things were beginning to happen.
The objects in the scene that were stationary photographed normally, while the objects that were moving were twisted and distorted into wonderful shapes. At first, I thought that this was a mistake, that something was wrong with my new contraption. But I soon realized that the motion of the scanner was meshing with the motion of the recorded scene, creating unexpected, yet predictable, results. These motion distortions are similar to the effect created by moving a sheet on a photocopier mid-copy, except that they extend into three dimensions and only effect objects in motion."