Автор: kaiser.soze
Дата: 11-11-09 22:31
много хубаво са решили
иначе какво??? да броят пачки ли???
ето как вървят таксите при нас. показвам , някой може да вземе пример..
Residential property - purchase price Rate of Stamp Duty Land Tax
up to £175,000 (until 31 December 2009 inclusive) 0%
£175,001 - £250,000 1%
£250,001 - £500,000 3%
£500,001 or more 4%
Stamp Duty is the tax you pay when you buy property or shares. You pay 'Stamp Duty Land Tax' (SDLT) when you buy property and either 'Stamp Duty' or 'Stamp Duty Reserve Tax' when you buy shares.
Stamp Duty Land Tax when you buy property
New thresholds introduced from 3 September 2008 mean that if you buy property and the purchase price is £175,000 or less you don't pay any SDLT at all.
If it's more than £175,000, you pay between one and four per cent of the whole purchase price. The £175,000 threshold (up from £125,000) will remain in place up to and including 31 December 2009.