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 Re: Странна работа
Автор: Amigo   
Дата:   14-08-10 23:45

Spying is a growing business on the web

By Edward Berridge

Mon Aug 02 2010

ONE OF THE FASTEST GROWING businesses on the Internet is spying on users.

The Wall Street Journal was shocked to discover how much time and effort is being spent on technology to snoop on Internet users' web surfing habits.

The Journal looked into the broad array of cookies and other Internet surveillance technologies and discovered that tracking of consumers using cookies and web beacons has grown both far more pervasive and far more intrusive.

In the US the top 50 websites on average installed 64 pieces of tracking technology onto the computers of visitors, usually with no warning.

The Journal found new tools that scan in real time what people are doing on a web page, then instantly assess location, income, shopping interests and even medical conditions.

Apparently advertisers are paying top dollar to follow people around the Internet, wherever they go, with highly specific marketing messages.

The advertising industry claims that it is all harmless, there is nothing to see here, move on please. This is mostly because, like most advertising departments, they think they are important and not a cancer on the world's commerce belching vacuousness.

David Moore, chairman of 24/7 RealMedia was quoted as saying that when an ad is targeted properly, it ceases to be an ad, it becomes important information.

MSN.com planted a tracking file packed with data that predicted a surfer's age, postal code and gender, plus a code containing estimates of income, marital status, presence of children and home ownership.

Microsoft said it didn't know how the file got onto MSN.com and claimed that the tool didn't contain "personally identifiable" information.

So far the US courts have not ruled on the more complex cookies. They deemed the simple ones okay because those were considered as innocuous as having a friend listen in on a phone call.

For those of you worried about your privacy, our suggestion is to set your web browser preferences to reject most cookies.


Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Странна работа
Автор: HP   
Дата:   15-08-10 00:27

Този потребител е деактивиран. Всички негови текстове са изтрити от администратора.

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Странна работа
Автор: slivenski   
Дата:   15-08-10 00:29

А, загазил... Добре, че имам черен изолир банд... Камерата вече е двойно секюрната... [smilie18] [smilie18] [smilie21]

Отговори на това съобщение
 Re: Странна работа
Автор: OrLIndraGanOv   
Дата:   15-08-10 00:47

Супер оферта!!! Защо да харчат пари да ти налазват дома и да поставят СРС-та? Вместо това могат да спечелят от по-високата цена на компютур със СРС....
Сигурно съм ги преебал - не умея да свиря тихо на тромпет и може да са им изгорели микурфоните, а може и да не са ...

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