Comments under images of Gil-galad:
title: фотографска наглост : )
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 25.03.2013 14:54

title: upgrade
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 14.03.2013 06:29

title: Лебеди
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 14.03.2013 06:28

title: wallpaperno
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 14.03.2013 06:27

title: nature mord
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 12.03.2013 12:19

title: the evil eye
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 12.03.2013 12:19

title: по немскому
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 12.03.2013 07:09

title: боговете ни (2)
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 12.03.2013 07:09

title: първо, второ, трето...
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 12.03.2013 07:07

title: сектантите
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 12.03.2013 05:03

title: "увесил мустаци"
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 12.03.2013 05:03

title: негрозното патенце
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 12.03.2013 05:02

title: СВЕТЛИНИТЕ на града
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 26.02.2013 15:20

title: точно като в къщи
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 26.02.2013 15:17

title: Stay in the Light
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 23.02.2013 11:47

title: Детство мое...
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 23.02.2013 09:11

Бива, бива
title: Kingdom coming
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 23.02.2013 08:49

title: : )))
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 22.02.2013 22:49

title: Боговете ни ...
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 22.02.2013 19:59

title: съзерцателят
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 22.02.2013 16:29

title: ч...
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 22.02.2013 16:28

title: кучешки живот
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 22.02.2013 09:28

title: дружка
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 22.02.2013 00:38

title: през ключалката
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 22.02.2013 00:37

title: Кризата с горивата
comment from: vrabchevster
date: 21.02.2013 18:02

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